There are numerous tasks that need to be performed in preparation for the spring season:

  • Clean the greenhouse and discard any rubbish from last year
  • Make sure seed trays and plug trays are clean and ready for use
  • Select your seeds for early planting
  • Check for mice (who love eating seeds)
  • Chit your potato tubers
  • If you have it, check your greenhouse heating is in order. The Growers choice 2kw thermostatically controlled electric heaters are a good choice.
  • Cover any fruit trees or vegetable crops outside with fleece to protect from frost damage
  • Use netting to keep birds off
  • Prune any evergreen and generally tidy-up garden
In order to keep those precious seedlings safe, make sure you have them covered with our Garland fleece. 
Take out any dead seedlings to give the healthy ones a better chance; dead seedlings can quickly spread diseases.
We sell a range of Octo gloves to keep your hands warm in this cold weather. We also have Blackrock boots and socks for the colder mornings as well as Game lined fleece jackets and Tuff stuff work trousers.